Welcome to Brighter Estimates

Transparency made simple.

Instant online quotes from your website with no IT development.

Provide visitors to your website with a clear and accurate fee estimate in seconds

Quick and simple solutions

It’s a button on your website that provides instant conveyancing quotes, based on your fee scales.

Be more responsive

Clients value communication. Estimates gives you the ability to quote even when your office is closed.

Make it part of your brand

The tech is fully customisable with your company colours and logos. We can even dual brand it for your introducers.

Empower your customers

When you provide a good service from the outset, word gets around. Build a brilliant reputation for your firm.

Quick, easy, transparent.

Tailored to your fees scales, visitors to your website simply input some basic information on the property and the system calculates the quote.

In addition, you can also integrate it with other services in our software portfolio, opening up benefits such as quote management and conversion.

Make your offering more accessible with Brighter Law

poweredbypie is home to a number of innovative solutions, designed to support you. Discover more.

Interested in Brighter Estimates? Get in touch with your Account Manager or call 0800 038 8350 to get started.

Get in touch with poweredbypie

Secure Trading
Security Metrics
Microsoft Azure
Search Code
The Property Ombudsman

Copyright © 2020 poweredbypie Group

Property Information Exchange Limited is an executive member of the Council of Property Search Organisation and subscribes to the Search Code . As part of that Code we use an Alternative Dispute Resolution service. If you make a complaint and we are unable to resolve it to your satisfaction you may refer the complaint to The Property Ombudsman scheme (website: www.tpos.co.uk, email: admin@tpos.co.uk). We will co-operate fully with the Ombudsman during an investigation and comply with the Ombudsman’s final decision.

PSG Financial Services Limited uses an Alternative Dispute Resolution provider, please see www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk for more information.
